This weekend, we celebrate the strong, the brave, the multi-taskers/talented, the ones who have it all under control, who have spit-up on one lapel and a fancy brooch on the other, the ones we love the most - Our Mamas!
Even better? The
Uptown Yonge BIA has decided to celebrate them as well! This weekend, there will be a fun-in-the-sun side walk sale on Yonge St. starting at Eglinton and going all the way up to Lawrence. Shops will have sales inside and out, and food vendors will be handing out delicious treats. This is seriously the best time ever to come and visit this awesome neighbourhood. PLUS, we're offering Buy One Get One Half Off everything in the shop!
There's nothing like getting to know and supporting local business,
while getting great deals and spending time with the ones you heart. Am I
right? Take your mom, she'll love it.
With Heart,